michaeladamopoker|财经早报:超百亿元涌入股票型ETF 港股创6年来最长连涨纪录


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Special topicMichaeladamopokerA-share double dip may be expected to get off to a good start after the end of the festival.

[important news stocktaking]

China's assets exploded, leading the world up during the May Day holiday! Strong desire for foreign capital allocation major securities firms release the latest "gold stock portfolio"

During the May Day holiday, the global market is changing. China's assets exploded. The Nasdaq China Golden Dragon Index and the RMB rose sharply. The Hang Seng Index rose nine times in a row. The three major exchanges in Shanghai, Shenzhen and Beijing have made a series of major moves, involving delisting, IPO, dividend, restructuring, a number of related rules revision, A-share major changes. The real estate policies of many places are constantly optimized, and the benefits are frequent. The masses of A shares all want to open the market! [China International Capital Corporation: under optimistic circumstances, Hong Kong stocks still have about 20% room to rise] [a big turn! Here comes another tens of billions of dollars: more than ten billion yuan into stock-based ETF]

Comments: during the May Day holiday, overseas markets generally performed better, among which Chinese assets performed brightly. The Nasdaq China Golden Dragon Index rose 8% from May 1 to 3.Michaeladamopoker.47%, the Hong Kong stock market also continued to rise during the holidays. Looking forward to the market performance in May, institutions are generally optimistic that under the resonance of a series of positive factors, such as loose overseas monetary policy, continued inflows of foreign capital, and higher-than-expected macroeconomic data in China, the risk appetite of the A-share market is expected to be boosted, and the main index may reach a new level in the second to third quarters.

Over 50 cities push housing "trade-in" policy: some cities buy back old houses for indemnificatory apartment

The number of cities with "trade-in" housing is still increasing, and according to thepaper.cn, at least 52 cities have launched "trade-in" policies so far. In terms of urban scale, Shanghai and Shenzhen have joined, while Guangzhou is "investigating and collecting relevant intentions from developers". As far as form is concerned, the ways to "trade in the old for the new" are also more abundant, mainly involving four categories. The initial model is the "sale and purchase" model of locking in the supply of new houses in advance and giving priority to the sale of old houses; the second is the way of buyback, some cities use financial subsidies to encourage housing enterprises to buy old houses to achieve the effect of selling new houses, state-owned enterprises acquire for indemnificatory apartment, and the government buys for rehousing. Third, in order to enliven the home purchase market, some cities have specially introduced supporting measures to "trade in the old for the new", giving exclusive concessions to property buyers and abolishing "restrictions on sales" and so on.

Comments: the most unique is the "Zhaoqing" model, which can be "renewed" without selling the house. Specifically, on the basis of "exchanging the old for the new", Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province, proposed for the first time "old re-insurance", that is, the holders of existing houses can be rented by the government in the form of "old re-insurance". As a result, a certain number of years' rent paid by government-designated agencies can be obtained, and all of it will be used to buy commercial housing.

Market participants believe that the implementation of the "1mm N" policy system in the capital market will be accelerated.

The political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held a meeting on April 30. The meeting stressed the need to actively develop venture capital and strengthen patient capital. The meeting also stressed the need to continue to promote the reform of small and medium-sized financial institutions and take multiple measures to promote the healthy development of the capital market. Market participants believe that with the promulgation of the "opinions of the State Council on strengthening Supervision and preventing risks and promoting the High-quality Development of the Capital Market," the relevant departments will speed up the implementation of the "1N" policy system of the capital market, so as to better promote the healthy development of the capital market. The supporting reforms in strengthening patient capital are worth paying attention to.

Comments: the meeting stressed that multiple measures should be taken to promote the healthy development of the capital market. Industry insiders believe that the relevant departments will speed up the implementation of the "1N" policy system of the capital market and better promote the healthy development of the capital market.

Hong Kong stocks hit a record for the longest straight rise in six years, and institutions are bullish on A-share "Red May"

During the May Day period, Hong Kong stocks continued their previous upward momentum. On May 3, the Hang Seng Index opened high and closed high at 18475.92 points, reaching an eight-month high. The Hang Seng Science and Technology Index rose 2.74%, reaching the intraday 4000 mark. Throughout the holiday, the Hang Seng Index surged more than 4%, leading the world up, and the Hang Seng Technology Index soared by more than 7%. Looking ahead, the Hang Seng index has closed higher for nine consecutive days, the longest straight gain since February 2018.

Comments: some analysts believe that the European and American markets out of the rebound, the main reason is to bet on the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates. The US jobs report for April was much lower than expected, and expectations of the Fed's interest rate cut strengthened further. The Hong Kong stock market, which has low valuations in the world, is more sensitive to interest rates and has entered a technical bull market, and Chinese assets represented by science and technology stocks are even more powerful. In the external market generally improved, especially the Hong Kong stock market rose sharply, A-share "Red May" is worth looking forward to.

Is that a coincidence? China, Japan and South Korea are pushing! Asian stock markets set off a wave of share buybacks

HSBC points out that Chinese and Korean companies currently issue more shares than buybacks, suggesting that there is plenty of room for them to improve their net cash returns, and that more structured buybacks in South Korea and China could increase the return on invested capital by 2 per cent. Recently, there has been a wave of share buybacks in Asian stock markets, with Japanese companies taking the lead in launching large-scale buybacks, China is moving in the same direction, and South Korea has launched a corporate "value enhancement" program.

Comments: in fact, South Korean and Chinese companies issue more shares than they buy back, so the repurchase yield is actually negative, indicating that they have a lot of room to improve their net cash return. More structured buybacks in South Korea and China may increase the return on invested capital by 2%.

[Buffett shareholders' meeting]

Heavyweight! Buffett shareholders' meeting 50,000 words record: it's no pity to miss the investment opportunities in the industry I don't understand.

Heavyweight! Buffett 2024 shareholders' meeting conversation practical information version

The 45000-word Q & A record of Buffett's shareholders' meeting: the latest Investment and Life thinking of Stock God

[hot spots in the industry]

The cumulative dividends of 45 brokerages exceeded 43 billion yuan, with a dividend rate of more than 80% and more than 30%. Founder, Haitong and others opened a new normal for medium-term dividends.

The county town tourism continues to be hot? This year's May Day trip, these three major changes are worthy of attention.

More than 60% of equipment enterprises achieve positive revenue growth and go out to sea to "break out" new markets.

The development of the cement industry is under pressure, and the performance of many listed companies declined in the first quarter.

[market trends]


  港股:在资金面、情绪面及政策预期的共振下,港股上周再度急升,恒生指数全周上升4.8%,收报18,475点,创出自2022年9月以来的单周收市新高,年初至今回报也达到8.4%。恒生科指全周上升6.8%,收报3,971点。在友邦(1299 HK)、汇控(5 HK)及渣打(2888 HK)等国际金融股带动下,恒生金融业综合行业指数全周大升6.1%,地产、信息科技、医疗保健及可选消费则紧随其后,全周分别升5.9%、5.1%、4.5%及4.2%。电讯及原材料逆市下跌,全周分别跌2.2%及0.2%。




  十大机构看后市:政策利好有望推升A股走强 关注风格切换及政策落地情况




  浙商大佬出手!“万向系”迎重大资本运作 拟购买控股股东美国资产


  突发!睿创微纳全资子公司被列入SDN清单 去年逾四成收入来自海外  







  300742 *ST越博

  300282 *ST三盛

  688550 瑞联新材

  002308 威创股份

  300630 普利制药

  000040 东旭蓝天

  000413 东旭光电

  000976 ST华铁


  000559 万向钱潮

  600213 *ST亚星

  603559 *ST通脉

  603879 ST永悦

  603023 *ST威帝

  603959 ST百利

  600565 ST迪马

  603828 ST柯利达

  603377 ST东时

  603363 *ST傲农

  688282 *ST导航

  600220 ST阳光

  002197 ST证通

  002280 ST联络

  603608 *ST天创

  300163 ST先锋

  600836 *ST易连

  600360 ST华微

  600289 *ST信通

  600112 *ST天成

  000023 *ST深天

  600083 *ST博信

  600823 *ST世茂

  600462 *ST九有

  600277 ST亿利

  600804 *ST鹏博

  603003 *ST龙宇

  300338 *ST开元

  300020 *ST银江

  000506 *ST中润

  002124 ST天邦

  000908 *ST景峰

  002528 ST英飞拓

  000851 ST高鸿

  002217 *ST合泰

  000622 *ST恒立

  002621 *ST美吉

  002325 *ST洪涛

  000836 ST富通

  002424 ST百灵

  002288 *ST超华

  002435 ST长康

  300262 *ST巴安

  000584 *ST工智

  002341 ST新纶

  600381 ST春天

  603869 ST智知

  002610 ST爱康

  002750 *ST龙津



Huaxi Securities (002926) announced in the evening that due to the company's lack of due diligence in the practice of the 2019 non-public offering stock recommendation project of Jintongling Technology Group Co., Ltd., there were false records in the issuance of stock listing recommendations to specific targets, false records in the relevant reports issued during the continuous supervision stage, inadequate implementation of on-site inspection and so on. The Jiangsu Securities Regulatory Bureau decided to suspend the qualification of the sponsor business for six months, from April 28 to October 27, 2024.

Ruichuang Weinar: a wholly owned subsidiary is listed by OFAC in the SDN list.

Ruichuang Weiner (688002) evening announcement, recently, the company is concerned that the U.S. Treasury Department OFAC (U.S. Treasury Department overseas Asset Control Office) will Yantai Airui Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd. (referred to as "AiRui Optoelectronics") in the SDN list (specially designated national list). Airui Optoelectronics, a wholly owned subsidiary of the company, specializes in the R & D and manufacture of infrared imaging technology and products, has completely independent intellectual property rights, and is committed to providing professional and competitive infrared thermal imaging products and industry solutions to customers around the world. Airui Optoelectronics has no branches overseas, and the company is evaluating the impact of its subsidiary Airui Optoelectronics on the SDN list, and will formulate effective measures. The inclusion of the subsidiary Airui Optoelectronics on the SDN list will not affect the business development of the company and other subsidiaries, but will have a controllable impact on the company as a whole. At present, the company's operating and financial situation is normal, there are sufficient orders on hand, and the market development work is carried out in an orderly manner.

Caesar Culture: received the notice of filing a case by the Securities Regulatory Commission, and the company's production and business activities were carried out normally.

Caesar Culture (002425) announced in the evening that the company received a "case-filing notice" issued by the China Securities Regulatory Commission, and the China Securities Regulatory Commission decided to file a case against the company because the company was suspected of illegal information disclosure. At present, the production and operation activities of the company are carried out normally.

Win: the actual controller and the chairman of the company release the lien.

Win time wins (300377) evening announcement, recently, the company received one of the actual controllers of the company, Chairman Tang Qiu notice, Tang Qiu was removed by the Liaoning Yingkou discipline Inspection Commission on May 1, the lien measures, has been able to normally perform the duties of the company's legal representative and chairman, the company's director and general manager Li Yuefeng will no longer perform the duties of the company's legal representative and chairman. At present, all the production and business activities of the company are normal.

Jinjia shares: the director and deputy general manager of the company were put on file for investigation

Jinjia shares (002191) announced in the evening that the company received a notice issued by the Jinzhou District Supervisory Committee of Dalian City on May 1st that Mr. Li Dehua, the director and deputy general manager of the company, had been placed on file for investigation and retention. The matter of filing and investigation will not have a significant impact on the daily operation of the company, and the production and operation activities of the company are carried out normally. As of the date of disclosure of this announcement, the company has not been aware of the progress and conclusions of this case-filing investigation.

Guosheng Technology: the chairman of the company removes the lien and is under surveillance.

Guosheng Science and Technology (603778) evening announcement, recently, the company received the controlling shareholder Guosheng Energy Co., Ltd. and the company's actual controller, chairman Wu Jun's family notice, Huai'an District Supervisory Committee of Huai'an City to lift the retention measures for Wu Jun; at the same time, Wu Jun was taken residential surveillance measures by the public security organs, and the matters involved had nothing to do with the company. At present, the daily operation of the company is normal, and the board of directors and management of the company will ensure that the company and various business activities are carried out normally.

ST Shimao: failed to pay the accumulated debt of 12.055 billion yuan on schedule

ST Shimao (600823) announced in the evening that as of April 30, 2024, the company and its subsidiaries' open market debt, non-open market bank debt and non-bank financial institution debt accumulated 12.055 billion yuan failed to be paid on schedule.

The latest performance

BYD: 310000 new energy vehicles sold in April, compared with 210000 in the same period last year

BYD (002594) announced in the evening that it sold about 313200 new energy vehicles in April, compared with about 210300 in the same period last year. In April, a total of 41011 new energy passenger vehicles were sold overseas; in April, the total installed capacity of power batteries and energy storage batteries of new energy vehicles was about 12.559GWh, and the total installed capacity in 2024 was about 42.295GWh.

Selis: April Selis car sales increased by 742.47% compared with the same period last year.

Cyrus (601127) announced in the evening that sales of new energy vehicles in April were 27868, an increase of 302.89% over the same period last year. Among them, Selis sold 24878 vehicles, an increase of 742.47% over the same period last year.

BAIC Langu: the subsidiary sold 13004 vehicles from January to April, down 34.59% from the same period last year.

BAIC Langu (600733) announced in the evening that its subsidiary Beijing New Energy Automobile Co., Ltd. sold 2882 vehicles in April, compared with 4768 in the same period last year, and cumulative sales from January to April were 13004, down 34.59 percent from a year earlier.

Increase and reduce holdings

Yuean new material: shareholders intend to reduce their shares of the company by no more than 3%

Yuean Xincai (688786) announced in the evening that shareholders Ruihe Investment, Ruizhi Investment and Ruilan Investment are all limited partnerships with Shenzhen Dacai Fund Management Co., Ltd. as executive partners, the three constitute concerted actors, holding a total of 6.0831 million shares of the company, accounting for 7.1068% of the total share capital of the company. Ruihe Investment, Ruizhi Investment and Ruilan Investment intend to reduce their holdings in the company by means of centralized bidding and bulk transactions, with a total of no more than 2.5679 million shares, accounting for no more than 3.00% of the total share capital of the company.

Guangyang shares: shareholders intend to reduce their shares in the company by no more than 1.93%.

Guangyang shares (002708) announced in the evening that Cheng Shangnan, a director of the company and its co-operative Changzhou Xinde Investment Co., Ltd. plans to reduce its holdings in total by no more than 10.8498 million shares (1.93% of the company's total share capital) by means of centralized bidding or block trading.

Hongyu shares: some directors and senior executives intend to reduce their holdings of no more than 1.55% of the company's shares

Hongyu shares (002890) announced in the evening that directors Liu Qiujie, Liu Zhihong and senior manager Zhang Lijie plan to reduce their holdings of no more than 2.03 million shares in the form of centralized bidding or block trading within 6 months after the date of disclosure of the reduction plan, accounting for 1.55% of the company's total share capital.

Huasu shares: Wantou Industry intends to reduce its shares by no more than 1%.

Huasu (600935) announced in the evening that Anhui Wantou Industrial Investment Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Wantou Industry") holds about 418 million shares of the company, accounting for 11.91% of the company's total share capital. Wantou plans to reduce its holdings by a total of no more than 35.074 million shares and no more than 1 per cent of the company's total share capital through centralized bidding.

Sign a big order

Dashi Intelligence: sign Xiaomi Shenzhen International headquarters project with a contract amount of 10.82 million yuan




















michaeladamopoker|财经早报:超百亿元涌入股票型ETF 港股创6年来最长连涨纪录