cryptomakinggames| The contracted amount was 8.758 billion yuan in the four months before the first share opening


Beijing Business News (Reporter Wang Yinhao) May 9cryptomakinggames, the first shares (600376) disclosed the sales report for April 2024.

The briefing shows that in April 2024, the contracted area of the first shares will be 8.8cryptomakinggames.180,000 square meters, contracted amount of 16cryptomakinggames.62 billion yuan.

cryptomakinggames| The contracted amount was 8.758 billion yuan in the four months before the first share opening

From January to April 2024, the total contracted area of the first shares was 437,500 square meters, a year-on-year decrease of 53.43%cryptomakinggames; The contracted amount was 8.758 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 63.06%.