skeeballarcadegame| Huatai Securities (Shanghai) Asset Management Co., Ltd.: Huatai Zijin Baowan Logistics Warehouse Closed Infrastructure Securities Investment Fund was approved for registration, raising a total of 300 million shares


Newsletter summary

Huatai Securities Asset Management Co., Ltd. is approved to register Huatai Zijinbao Bay Logistics warehousing closed Infrastructure Securities Investment Fund, raising a total of 300 million shares with a contract term of 44 years. China Merchants Bank is the custodian and the raising period does not exceed 3 months.

skeeballarcadegame| Huatai Securities (Shanghai) Asset Management Co., Ltd.: Huatai Zijin Baowan Logistics Warehouse Closed Infrastructure Securities Investment Fund was approved for registration, raising a total of 300 million shares

Text of news flash

[Huatai Securities (601688) approved to register 44-year contract closed Infrastructure Investment Fund] Huatai Securities (Shanghai) Asset Management Co., Ltd. has recently been approved by the China Securities Regulatory Commission to formally register Huatai Zijinbao Bay Logistics closed Infrastructure Investment Fund. The fund is contractual closed-end, and the term of the fund contract is set at 44 years. According to the reply of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, the total share raised by the Huatai Zijin Baowan Fund is 300 million. Huatai Securities will act as the fund manager, while China Merchants Bank (600036) Co., Ltd. will act as the custodian of the fund. According to the documents of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, Huatai Securities shall carry out fund-raising activities within 6 months from the date of approval and issuance, and the fund-raising period shall not exceed 3 months from the date of the sale of fund shares. The document stresses that Huatai Securities needs to work with the fund's sales institutions and the Shenzhen Stock Exchange to conscientiously implement key links such as fund information disclosure, roadshow promotion, inquiry, pricing, placing, subscription, listing transactions, registration, accounting, customer service and fund-raising preparation. At the same time, the company needs to establish and improve the internal compliance control system, risk prevention mechanism and emergency plan, in order to prevent and resolve the risks in the process of fund raising and operation, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of fund share holders. In addition, the China Securities Regulatory Commission requires Huatai securities and fund sales institutions to abide by the measures for the Supervision and Administration of Public offering Securities Investment Fund sales institutions (CSRC order No. 175) and other relevant regulations to ensure that the legitimate rights and interests of investors are not harmed in sales activities. At the same time, false statements or deceptive publicity must be avoided, and investors must not be misled into buying and selling funds. The publicity of risks and returns to investors shall be in line with the actual situation of the fund. The China Securities Regulatory Commission issued the reply on May 11, 2024, and Huatai Securities and its related institutions are about to begin preparations for the fund.

(Skeeballarcadegame: congratulations