bestonlineroulettesites| Economic Daily: Control private placement violations and chaos


Source: economic Daily

Recently, rumors of "running away" of the actual controller of Zhejiang Ruifengda Asset Management Co., Ltd. have been rampant, which has attracted the attention of all parties. In response, the CSRC decided to file a case for investigation and deal with it strictly in accordance with the law.

Whether Ruifengda has "run away" or not has yet to be further verified by the regulatory authorities, but in recent years, the private equity industry "thunderstorm" and "run away" chaos has occurred from time to time. Investors want to protect their rights, but often face empty buildings, even court summons can not be served, or very little property available for enforcement, even if they win the case, it is difficult to recover losses and other difficulties, must cause a high degree of vigilance.

bestonlineroulettesites| Economic Daily: Control private placement violations and chaos

As a multi-level capital marketBestonlineroulettesitesPrivate equity fund has flexible investment strategy, multiple investment objects and long-term investment concept, which plays an important role in serving the real economy and supporting innovation and entrepreneurship. The CPC Central Committee and the State Council attach great importance to the standardized and healthy development of the industry. in July last year, the first administrative regulation of the private equity industry, the regulations on the Supervision and Administration of Private Investment funds, was issued, and the industry entered an era of strong supervision. The clearance of the "black sheep" has accelerated, with more than 500 private equity firms cancelled in the first quarter of this year alone.

Under strict supervision, chaos such as "running away" still occurs frequently, which is closely related to the characteristics of private placement. Because of its strong privacy, high professionalism and complex product structure, it is easy to derive grey space. Including evading the requirements of qualified investors, carrying out complicated collectivization operation, fund pool operation, self-financing and self-financing, some lawbreakers even carry out illegal fund-raising in the name of private equity funds, and then misappropriate fund property.

Violators circle money to "run away", but investors may have to pay for it, reflecting that the operation of the private equity market is not standardized enough, testing the wisdom and determination of supervision, and affecting the stable and healthy development of the capital market. To effectively manage the relevant chaos and let the private equity industry truly return to the origin of private equity and investment is the due meaning of preventing and defusing financial risks and building a financial power.

You can't control it until you can see it clearly. In view of the problems recently exposed by the industry, such as multi-layer nesting and trusteeship failure, the regulatory authorities should also increase the full-cycle penetrating supervision of "raising, investing, managing and withdrawing", constantly eliminate regulatory gaps and blind areas, and let private equity out of the shadow. all links are placed in the sun. At the same time, we can not stop at the recruitment, supervision must go ahead of the crime, plan in advance in the design of the rules, take one more step, and plug the loopholes in the bud as much as possible. Through "hit early, hit small, get through", so that lawbreakers do not dare to run, cannot run, do not run.BestonlineroulettesitesGet out of the way.

Long-term development can only be achieved with self-discipline. The reason why investors are willing to entrust real money and silver to fund managers is out of the trust that they respect the spirit of contract and abide by the fiduciary responsibility. With the occurrence of "running away" events, it is the market confidence that is overdrawn and the foundation of the industry that is shaken. Private equity practitioners also need to gain a foothold in the long term, establish a sense of law-abiding and compliance, stabilize internal control, prevent risks, promote compliance, strengthen professionalism, improve risk management and internal control system, and do a good job of pre-and post-event control. To be honest and trustworthy, stable words to protect their own reputation, protect the lifeline of the industry.

In addition, only by being prudent can we lose less. Judging from the cases disclosed in the past, the problems such as "exploding thunder" and "running away" of private equity are not completely untraceable, such as the promise of high returns far beyond the normal level of the industry and rigid payment, all of which reveal the smell of danger. This also warns investors to raise their risk awareness, open their eyes, do their homework, conduct scientific research and rational investment from the managers' reputation, historical performance, capital investment, and other aspects, and not be induced by all kinds of exaggerated performance and magnificent propaganda. Assets are lost because of temporary high profits.

Although the boundary of investment choice of private equity fund is constantly broadening, it does not mean that it can break through the legal boundary. At any time, compliance with the law is the bottom line of the industry that cannot be crossed. Only by abiding by the rules, abiding by the law, focusing on the main business, and really being responsible to investors and the market, can we achieve stability and everlasting business.