freecryptogames| The first batch of 2000 units in Nanjing will pilot the "replacement of old housing for new"


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The first batch of 2000 sets of pilot units in Nanjing to carry out stock housing "trade-in" Securities Times e Company NewsFreecryptogamesAccording to news from Nanjing Anju Construction Group, in order to effectively support the demand for improved housing purchase, Nanjing Anju Construction Group Co., Ltd. will carry out the pilot activity of "exchanging old for new" in stock housing. According toFreecryptogames.Freecryptogames..

Text of news flash

The first batch of 2000 sets of pilot units in Nanjing to carry out stock housing "trade-in" Securities Times e Company News, Nanjing Anju Construction Group news, in order to effectively support the demand for improved housing, Nanjing Anju Construction Group Co., Ltd. will carry out stock housing "trade-in" pilot activities. According to the scheme, during the pilot period, buyers can replace one or more sets of newly built commercial housing with one or more stock houses, and the total replacement price is not higher than the total price of newly built commercial housing purchased.Freecryptogames80%. The purchase price of stock housing is based on evaluation. The activity time is from the date of the announcement to December 31, 2024, the first batch of pilot limit is 2000 sets, until the quota is full. The stock of housing is limited to the six districts of the main city of Nanjing, excluding self-built housing, commerce, offices, apartments and so on.

freecryptogames| The first batch of 2000 units in Nanjing will pilot the "replacement of old housing for new"

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