etokki| The bottom may be further consolidated. The gold stock ETF (159562) has four consecutive positive results, and CICC Lingnan has risen more than 4%


On May 9, although overnight COMEX gold futures fell 0.35% to $2316.1 / oz, today, gold stocks ETF (159562) position shares Zhongjin Lingnan (000060) rose more than 4%. Western Gold (601069), Tongling Nonferrous (000630), Northern Copper and other stocks have pulled higher. As of 13Etokki: 10, gold stock ETF (159562) rose 0.74%, achieving four Lianyang. After continuous adjustment since mid-April, the bottom may be further consolidated. Since listing on January 22, it has risen nearly 39% and received a net purchase of 280 million funds in the past 20 days. Gold ETF Huaxia (518850) fell 0.11%.

Xingzheng Futures pointed out that the previous high fall in gold prices was due to regional risk weakening and bulls making profits.EtokkiIt's over, and the bulls are overheated and return to normal. Although gold prices have adjusted in the short term, the medium-and long-term outlook is not pessimistic, and many positive factors such as geopolitical risks such as global multi-regional conflicts such as the Middle East situation, global credit standard risk expectations, and continuous central bank purchases of gold continue to exist, which will still provide strong support for precious gold prices in the future.

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Gold ETF (159562)-Gold Price Amplifier

It mainly focuses on the stocks of listed companies related to gold mining, smelting, gold processing and sales in Shanghai, Hong Kong and Shenzhen. The production expansion and leverage effect of gold mining enterprises, the channels of gold retail stocks and the excess returns of gold stocks contributed by brands.

Daily economic news

etokki| The bottom may be further consolidated. The gold stock ETF (159562) has four consecutive positive results, and CICC Lingnan has risen more than 4%