cryptogamesonline| Adjust new energy vehicle application indicators and cancel social security restrictions! Shenzhen takes action


Shenzhen has made another move to improve the penetration of new energy vehicles!

On May 11, the Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Transportation issued a notice on adjusting the application conditions for the increment index of new energy cars (hereinafter referred to as the "circular"). The social security restrictions on new energy car increment indicators for non-deep household registered residents will be abolished. Relax the condition limit that only one car registered in Shenzhen can apply for the increment index of hybrid electric car.

This means that if non-Shenzhen residents want to apply for the increment index of new energy cars in the future, they will no longer have social security restrictions and only need to hold a residence permit. Even if the owner already has a Yue B car in his name, he can still apply for another hybrid car.

cryptogamesonline| Adjust new energy vehicle application indicators and cancel social security restrictions! Shenzhen takes action

Shenzhen New Energy Automobile Industry "leads" the whole country

On May 1, the Shenzhen Municipal people's Government issued the Circular on issuing and issuing the Action Plan for promoting large-scale equipment Renewal and Consumer goods Trade-in (hereinafter referred to as "the Circular"), in which Article 29 mentions: promoting automobile consumption. Continue the automobile "trade-in" differential subsidy policy, in accordance with the principle of classification, Shenzhen urban linkage to increase the support for the purchase of new cars. Abolish the social security restrictions on the increment index of new energy cars for non-deep household registration personnel. Relax the condition limit that only one car registered in Shenzhen can apply for the increment index of hybrid electric car.

The notice of Shenzhen Transportation Bureau can be seen as the implementation of the "notice", which is expected to further improve the penetration of new energy vehicles. At present, the penetration rate of new energy vehicles in Shenzhen is among the highest in the world. In 2023, the penetration rate of new energy vehicles in Shenzhen reached 67%.Cryptogamesonline.9%, which means that for every 100 new cars on the road last year, nearly 68 were new energy vehicles. Compared with the national average, the national car sales in 2023 is 3009.CryptogamesonlineThe sales volume of new energy vehicles is 9.495 million, and the penetration rate of new energy vehicles is 31.6%.

The number of overcharging stations exceeds the number of traditional gas stations, which is also the embodiment of the rapid development of new energy vehicles in Shenzhen. According to the Shenzhen Municipal Development and Reform Commission, as of April 30, Shenzhen had built a total of 362 super charging stations, exceeding the number of traditional gas stations, and the number of charging guns had also exceeded the number of gas guns.

Why Shenzhen New Energy Automobile Industry develops rapidlyCryptogamesonline? Yuan Shuai, deputy secretary-general of Zhongguancun (000931) Internet of things Industry Alliance, said in an interview with the Securities Times that new energy vehicles in Shenzhen have formed a complete industrial chain, including the R & D and production of core components such as batteries, motors and electronic controls. and vehicle manufacturing and sales. This complete industrial chain makes Shenzhen have a strong competitiveness in the new energy vehicle industry.

In addition, the development of new energy vehicle industry in Shenzhen is also inseparable from advanced R & D capabilities and rich application scenarios. Yuan Shuai believes that Shenzhen has many excellent new energy vehicle research and development institutions and enterprises, these institutions and enterprises have strong research and development capabilities, can continue to launch innovative and competitive new energy vehicle products. At the same time, as a first-tier city, Shenzhen has a broad application scene of new energy vehicles, including public transport, taxis, logistics and other fields. These application scenarios provide strong support for the promotion and application of new energy vehicles.

Policy support to build "omni-directional" competitive advantage

In the process of the development of Shenzhen new energy vehicle industry, policy support also provides a great help.

"the Shenzhen Municipal Government attaches great importance to the development of the new energy vehicle industry and has issued a series of preferential policies and support measures, including financial subsidies, tax incentives, talent introduction, etc., providing a good policy environment for the development of the new energy vehicle industry." Yuan Shuai told reporters.

In August 2023, the three-year Action Plan (2023-2025) of Shenzhen to speed up the construction of a new generation of world-class automobile city was released, which proposed that by 2025, the level of automobile technology, scene application and industrial scale would be in the forefront of the country.CryptogamesonlineBy 2025, the annual output of new energy vehicles in the city has exceeded 2 million, the "depth" of global cars has increased significantly, and the output value of the automobile industry has reached a trillion-class scale.

In order to open up the market space for new energy vehicles, the notice mentioned to promote the electric upgrading of road traffic vehicles. We will reduce the electricity cost of new energy vehicles and improve the socialized maintenance service capacity of new energy vehicles. Promote the upgrading of cruise taxis. By 2025, no less than 14000 replacement cruise taxis will be completed.

In order to promote the export competitiveness of Shenzhen's new energy vehicles, the Shenzhen 2024 work Plan for promoting Automobile Export (hereinafter referred to as "the Program") was officially issued in February. From increasing the output of export models of local automobile factories, promoting the cooperation of automobile industry and trade to open up overseas markets, expanding the number of high-level subjects of second-hand car export, speeding up the efficiency of second-hand car export formalities, and improving the transportation guarantee capacity of automobile export, this paper puts forward 24 specific measures in six aspects, such as strengthening the supporting comprehensive service capacity of automobile export.

The "plan" mentions that it is necessary to improve the transportation guarantee capacity of automobile exports, and specific measures include: increasing ro-ro ship routes, striving for more foreign trade car routes to take Shenzhen as the origin or port of Shenzhen, and supporting enterprises to purchase ro-ro ships and build their own foreign trade ro-ro transport fleet.

Yuan Shuai believes that this policy support can strengthen the connection and cooperation between the Shenzhen automobile industry and the international market, promote the international development and brand building of the automobile industry, and enhance the status and influence of Shenzhen and even China's automobile industry in the global industrial chain.

On the whole, Shenzhen has carried out corresponding policy support from the consumption and export of new energy vehicles to the construction of supporting overcharging stations, which provides "omni-directional" support for the development of Shenzhen new energy vehicle industry.

Shenzhen's efforts are also the epitome of promoting the development of new energy automobile industry in the whole country. According to the Open Source Securities Research report, in recent years, China's new energy (600617) automobile market has developed rapidly. The penetration rate of new energy vehicles exceeded 14% in 2021, 27% in 2022, 33% in 2023, and 50% in April 2024, exceeding industry expectations. The penetration rate of new energy passenger vehicles has exceeded 50%, which is not only a digital milestone, but also a turning point in the automobile market pattern. In the future, the automobile industry will accelerate the reshuffle.

Editor: Ye Shuyun

Proofread: Peng Qihua