eucasinofreespinsnodeposit| Operation guide for data asset entry of urban investment companies!


2024 is the first year that the data assets of urban investment companies are included in the table, and many urban investment companies all over the country have the practice of data assets in the table. According to the 21st Century Economic report, since 2024, 13 urban investment companies have clearly disclosed that they will put their data assets into the table, which are mainly public utilities data such as public transportation, heating, water supply and transportation. Data assets that may be included in the future include government data, telecommunications data and trade data. Data assets are becoming the new darling of urban investment companies, providing a new direction for the transformation of urban investment companies.

The listing of data assets by local urban investment companies originated from the interim regulations on Accounting treatment of Enterprise data Resources issued by the Ministry of Finance on August 1, 2023, stipulating that the "data resources legally owned or controlled by enterprises that are expected to bring economic benefits to the enterprise but are not recognized as assets because they do not meet the relevant asset recognition conditions of enterprise accounting standards" can be recognized as assets. The regulation will enter into force on January 1, 2024. According to the relevant regulations, data assets should have the following characteristicsEucasinofreespinsnodeposit:

1. Data assets are carried by information media such as electronic information systems and written texts.

Data assets include electronic data assets (such as traffic data, heating data, etc.) and physical data assets (such as county books, etc.), which are obviously different from general intangible assets (such as mining rights, sand mining rights, parking toll rights and advertising rights, etc.). The core feature of data assets is to take data as the way to realize income, while mining rights and sand mining rights are a kind of specific rights authorized by the government, which can be authorized to operate or charge for physical assets.

2. Data assets are measurable and readable

Readability is the basic element of data assets, only readable can ensure that data assets are used, and can further produce the use value of data assets; measurability is the core element of data assets, only measurable can ensure that data assets are priced through divisible measurement methods, and that data assets can bring predictable economic benefits. Therefore, the two characteristics of measurable and readable are inseparable, which is the basis to ensure that data assets can bring economic value.

3. Data assets can bring expected economic value.

Data assets can bring expected economic value, which is the profitability of data assets. If the data asset can not bring economic value, it will actually become a public welfare asset, and there will be no rationality of accounting and the basis of asset evaluation. Therefore, profitability is the key element of data assets and the premise that data assets can be incorporated into the statements of urban investment companies. Different types of data assets can be brought about in different ways, and they need to be used reasonably within the scope of compliance according to the type of data assets.

Although the data asset is a very good operating asset, which can effectively improve the cash flow level of the city investment company and enhance the profitability of the city investment company, the city investment company must be careful in the table process, because in the information age, the data asset is a kind of specific asset which is completely different from the physical asset. When transferring data assets, you need to pay attention to the following points:

1. The city investment company should obtain the ownership and authorization of data assets.

From a practical point of view, the ownership of all kinds of public utility data generally belongs to the local government and its subordinate organizations, and urban investment companies generally do not directly own the ownership of data assets. Before listing the data assets in the table, the city investment company shall obtain the ownership or authorization of the data assets through legal means. At the same time, in order to ensure the compliance of the use of data assets, urban investment companies should obtain official authorization and confirmation from local governments and their subordinate organizations according to the type of data assets, so as to ensure that urban investment companies can use data assets commercially.

2. Urban investment companies should decrypt their data assets.

At present, the disclosed data assets involve the personal privacy information of many citizens, and it is necessary to ensure that the data assets are clean assets that will no longer have a negative impact on citizens' privacy before they are evaluated. Decryption is the premise of the use of data assets, and the need for decryption will not affect the practical value of data assets, so as to achieve the dual role of ensuring the decryption and practical value of data assets.

3. Urban investment companies should determine a reasonable profit model for data assets.

Although there are a large number of data assets, especially electronic data, even in a prefecture-level city, the number of data assets may reach more than 100 million. But it is not easy to find effective ways to use it within the scope of compliance. Data assets must be desensitized, so their actual use value needs to be further explored. There are many types of data assets, so they need to be used commercially according to the types of specific data assets to achieve the profitability of data assets.

4. Data assets must be managed and operated by a professional technical team.

eucasinofreespinsnodeposit| Operation guide for data asset entry of urban investment companies!

Data assets have unlimited potential and need to be used reasonably to maximize their economic value. The existing personnel structure of the city investment company is very difficult to have suitable technical personnel to operate the data assets, so it is necessary to hire professional technical personnel to make rational use of the data assets in a market-oriented way so as to give full play to the maximum value of the data assets. But it should be noted that professional technical teams need a market-oriented compensation mechanism to match, only in this way can we ensure that the right team is recruited. At the same time, the use of data assets by urban investment companies needs to match the scientific market-oriented decision-making mechanism.

5. Data assets must be used to ensure security.

Because the data assets are closely related to the privacy information of citizens in the region, although the data assets have been decrypted at the time of entry, they may still contain some sensitive information. Therefore, in the commercial use of data assets, it is necessary to establish a sound data asset confidentiality mechanism to ensure that there is no risk of disclosure, and to make rational use of data assets in a secure way. Therefore, urban investment companies need to establish data asset confidentiality mechanism and security mechanism through professional technical team to ensure the security of data assets.