doubledeuceswild| State Administration for Market Regulation: We must carry out in-depth rectification of electric bicycle safety hazards throughout the entire chain and continue to deepen special rectification of urban gas safety


Newsletter summary

[general Administration of Market Supervision: to carry out in-depth rectification of the whole chain of hidden dangers of electric bicycles and continue to deepen the special rectification of urban gas safety] Securities Times e Company NewsDoubledeuceswildOn May 8, the production Safety Committee of the General Administration of Market Supervision held a plenary meeting to deploy the importance of production safety in the field of market supervision in the near future.Doubledeuceswild.Doubledeuceswild..

doubledeuceswild| State Administration for Market Regulation: We must carry out in-depth rectification of electric bicycle safety hazards throughout the entire chain and continue to deepen special rectification of urban gas safety

Text of news flash

[general Administration of Market Supervision: to carry out in-depth rectification of the whole chain of hidden dangers of electric bicycles and continue to deepen the special rectification of urban gas safety] Securities Times e Company, May 8, the production Safety Committee of the General Administration of Market Supervision held a plenary meeting to deploy the key tasks of production safety in the field of market supervision in the near future. The meeting stressed that it is necessary to pay close attention to the key work of action for tackling the root causes of production safety in the past three years, carry out in-depth rectification of the whole chain of hidden dangers of electric bicycles, and continuously deepen the special rectification of urban gas safety. we should use the "toolbox" of policies such as rule of law supervision, intelligent supervision, and credit supervision to do a good job in the regulatory "combination of punches" to improve the rectification effect. It is necessary to do a good job in safety work during key periods such as holidays and summer flood seasons, and strengthen special equipment such as large-scale amusement facilities, passenger ropeways, off-road sightseeing vehicles and elevators in public places.DoubledeuceswildSupervision and inspection, strict duty and information reporting system, actively and steadily do a good job in dealing with emergencies. It is necessary to take more measures to implement the safety responsibilities of all parties, and persevere to do a good job in the implementation of the regulations on the supervision and management of the main responsibility of the production and use units of special equipment and the production and sales of industrial products, give full play to the role of the "three books and one letter" in supervising and promoting the implementation mechanism, and further build a solid defense line for production safety in the field of market supervision. It is necessary to consolidate the basic work of production safety, speed up the revision of laws and regulations such as the "Product quality Law of the people's Republic of China" and the regulations on Safety Supervision of Special equipment, and formulate and revise a number of key standards related to production safety as soon as possible. It is necessary to pay close attention to the building of the work style, study, deploy and promote the relevant special rectification actions in the field of market supervision together with the centralized rectification of unhealthy tendencies and corruption around the masses, so as to ensure that practical results are achieved.