haktutscoinmasterspin| The chairman of the board of directors has been investigated. Can Tianyu Digital Branch, which has suffered huge losses, continue to "bloom on many sides"?


Interface News reporter | she Xiaochen

Interface News Editor | Song Jiannan

May 13thHaktutscoinmasterspinThe reason for the drop in the limit of Tianyu Mathematics (002354), which is widely studied in the fields of Digital Man, Metasmology, AI and so on, may be directly related to a piece of news.

haktutscoinmasterspin| The chairman of the board of directors has been investigated. Can Tianyu Digital Branch, which has suffered huge losses, continue to "bloom on many sides"?

The company announced on May 12 that Tianyu Digital Technology (Dalian) Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the company") received the "filing notice" and "lien notice" from the Ningxia Hui Autonomous region Supervisory Commission on May 11, 2024. Xu Dewei, the company's chairman and general manager, was put on file for investigation and lien by the Ningxia Hui Autonomous region Supervisory Commission on suspicion of violating the law.

However, the Tianyu Department stressed in the announcement that this case-filing investigation is aimed at Xu Dewei's personal investigation and has nothing to do with the company. At present, the board of directors and the board of supervisors of the company are operating normally, the control of the company has not changed, other senior managers are performing their duties normally, and the production and operation order of the company and its subsidiaries is normal. After the decision of the general manager's office, he Han, the director and deputy general manager, will temporarily preside over the daily operation and management of the company.

Interface News sought more responses from the Tianyu Section on the above news, but there was no reply as of the press release.

According to the official website, Xu Dewei, who was detained, served as the political Department Officer of the Yinchuan City Detachment of the Armed Police, the Secretary of the General Office of the Yinchuan Municipal people's Government, the Deputy Director of the Financial work Bureau of Yinchuan City, the General Manager of Beijing Sky Star Private Equity Fund Management Co., Ltd., and the Executive Deputy General Manager of Yakite International Investment (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd., the current chairman and general manager of the company.

Xu Dewei's Tianyu division, formerly known as the game company "God interaction", was listed backdoor in 2014 and changed its name to God Entertainment. In 2021, the company's securities were renamed "Tianyu Mathematics Section" for short. In this process, Xu Dewei took over the management of the company, and the business structure of Tianyu Division was also gradually adjusted.

From the product point of view, the company's main business is divided into digital effect traffic, brand content flow, digital competitive platform and others, of which the largest proportion is digital effect traffic. The digital effects traffic business accounted for more than 86% of the company's total revenue in 2022 and 2023.

In recent years, the company has been trying to catch up with meta-universe, digital human, AI and other tuyere, and has also launched some products such as marketing and meta-universe platform, but in terms of R & D investment, its scientific and technological attributes still need to be consolidated.

In 2023, the total R & D expenditure of Tianyu Section accounts for only 3% of the operating income.Haktutscoinmasterspin.47%, down 0.35% from 2022.

The company also suffered huge losses in its business, with an operating income of 1.761 billion yuan last year and a net loss of 1.087 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 2.85 times.

As for the reasons for the loss, Tianyu Division said in the annual report that the development trend of the company's main business is improving, but the performance of some participating companies has suffered large losses, which has a greater impact on the investment profit and loss recognized by the company under the equity method. At the same time, the company sets aside the provision for impairment of long-term equity investment to some participating companies, which has a great impact on the overall performance of the company. Affected by this, the company's annual net profit belonging to the owner of the parent company declined compared with the same period last year.

At present, the new business that the company is promoting is still in the initial stage, and there is great uncertainty.

In addition to accounting for more than 80% of the digital effect traffic business, Tianyu Digital is also transforming to all kinds of digital services, and even exploring computing and data services. In the 2023 annual report, the company summarized its main business as data flow, AI-driven digital marketing intelligence, "quality marketing" and digital competitive platform. It seems that computing power and brand service are the new direction that Tianyu math department is promoting.

On October 25, 2023, the Shanxi data flow Ecological Park under the company's flag (Jin Kirin analyst) signed a cooperation agreement with Shanxi data Technology Co., Ltd., the national advanced computing Taiyuan center operation unit, and Shanxi Digital Industry Association. At the beginning of this year, Tianyu Mathematical Division said on the interactive platform that the company's computing business has not yet contributed revenue, and there is uncertainty about the promotion of the follow-up business.

In terms of brand services, the services provided by Tianyu Division for various organizations have included live broadcast operation, e-commerce platform whole-case marketing services, etc., but have not yet formed a focus direction.

In addition, your company also has a layout in mixed reality, skits and so on. In the face of large losses, the above-mentioned businesses all have strong competitors in the vertical sector, and it is unclear whether Tianyu's "multi-faceted blossom" strategy can bring stable profits to itself.

Or affected by the retention of the chairman, the share price of Tianyu Division fell by the limit on May 13, with a total market capitalization of 6.205 billion yuan.